
Daniel Nahmod presents, Be Like Water: A Workshop of Faith, Serenity and Surrender

Daniel Nahmod presents, Be Like Water: A Workshop of Faith, Serenity and Surrender

In this unique workshop experience, Daniel offers a glimpse into an entirely different, utterly calming and comforting way to look at your life.  Through stories and songs, readings and questions, quiet time and discussion, you'll be invited to take a deep breath, step back from your daily pressures and to-do lists, and get some new - and profoundly clarifying - perspective on what’s most important, what you are truly called to do, and what you just might be able to let go of... perhaps for the very first time.

In the context of so much personal, political, cultural and social upheaval, at the edge of “normal” as we know it, there’s rarely been such a stressful time for each of us, individually or collectively.  And perhaps there’s also never been a better time to just be, to take stock, to rest, and to allow new insights, new interests, and new definitions of self to come to light.  To flow like water, without resistance, wherever we’re meant to flow.  To go where the ocean says to go.

Event Information

Event Date 05-05-2024 1:00 pm
Event End Date 05-05-2024 3:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Generous Love Offering Suggested
Location Sanctuary

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