Pondering Holy Week

Pondering Holy Week

Those who love Jesus the Christ as our way-shower celebrate the last days of his earthly life and remember how he lived, centered in the Christ consciousness. I love many scenes from this week. I love how he gave them a new ritual at Passover to remember the consciousness and life that he demonstrated every day with them.

It is always available to each of us. I love that he did not resist the forces of fear at work in the society but trusted in the force of love alive in him. He did not speak ugly words, or choose hurtful actions against those who sought to harm him. I love that he said “Father, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing.” He is reminding himself and us that the Christ/Divine Mind within can forgive people who are not awake to the power of love.

Our beautiful devotional book, Let Go, Let God, has reminded us daily of something we may release that pulls our attention away from the power of love. May we continue, moment by moment, to choose love by acknowledging and releasing any thought or emotion that separates us from knowing oneness and experiencing this love. As we do this, every week becomes a holy week where we remember that we are divine beings operating with a body temple in the name of love.

I look forward to seeing you on Easter morning as we remember once again this life giving power within us is greater than the circumstances of our lives. Our musicians and the choir will bless us with their gifts! Alleluia!

With love and joy,
Rev. Patty

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