In February, There Will Be Love and MORE Love

As Charles Fillmore explains it: "Love is an inner quality that sees good everywhere and in everybody. It insists that all is good, and by refusing to see anything but good, it causes that quality finally to appear uppermost in itself and in all things."

Gratitude for the Faith of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When I remember Dr. King, I think of courage and deep faith. He led in the Civil Rights Movement from December 1955 until his assassination on April 4, 1968. There must have been times when he wanted to give up but instead, he gave his life to bring change and dignity to African Americans. What a powerful advocate of nonviolence. He acted from Christ consciousness instead of from hate and revenge. At age 35, he was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Tuning In To The Four P's

For the first part of the year, we will be allowing these four gifts to be in our consciousness and to demonstrate in our lives – Prosperity, Presence, Power, and Peace. We start this Sunday thinking about prosperity, and it will encompass more than the financial piece. Prosperity has to do with every part of our lives. Edward Hayes has agreed to teach Edwene Gaines' book on four Thursday nights in February. It will be energizing and fun learning together.

Opening Up To Spirit

I am so looking forward to sharing our yearly rituals of the candle lighting service (12/24), the burning bowl (12/29), and the white stone service (1/5), as we close 2024 and begin 2025. In each of these we go within and listen to Spirit’s whispers. This is the ultimate spiritual practice - to be still and know the truth within.

Peace and the Present Moment

A philosopher from 6BC, Lao Tzu, said this:  “If you are depressed you are living in the past.  If you are anxious you are living in the future.  If you are at peace you are living in the present.” 

Shining The Light Of Christ

The official Christmas season is here, yet I believe that Christmas is something that happens every day, not just in December. Christmas occurs when we open to the possibility of hope, when we live as ambassadors of peace, when we become expressions of love and grace, or when joy bubbles forth from our hearts and lives. In these moments the Christ is given expression. This can happen any moment on any day.

WOW! We Are Blessed!

In the spirit of this week, I invite you to contemplate the love that flows in and through UCBA. We have so much for which to be thankful.
Just recently

We Have The God Power

After Rev. Robin’s story of healing on Sunday, I invite you to read words from Myrtle in a 1936 letter that instructs us in empowering thought. This is great medicine!

Release – The Power to Come Back to Love Again and Again

I spoke about the incredible book, Radical Forgiveness, on Sunday. It’s one way to release and change our lives. Another similar option is from Florence Shinn. She tells stories of release in her books. She calls it casting the burden on the Christ within.

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