Walking Away in Gratitude

I shared on Sunday some of the amazing beauty of Unity’s campus in Lee’s Summit, MO. How amazing to consider the thought and imagination that caused Charles and Myrtle to dedicate their lives to living and sharing their connection to the Christ within. I participated as 62 new ministers were ordained from around the world. Some Zoomed in from Nigeria, Puerto Rico and U.K! It quickly became apparent, as I was immersed in all this growing and meeting new ministers, that we were awash in what love does. It is always expansive.

How to Use Your Twelve Gifts from God

How To Use Your Twelve Gifts from God

2024 Summer Book Study with Rev. Alva Pope

Prior to 2017, I knew nothing of Unity (the movement) or The Twelve Powers of Man (Charles Fillmore). My thoughts about spiritual gifts were based on the unique, mysterious and purpose driven ideas that I had been taught based on God’s special attention and connection with individual people.

Happy Self-Love Summer!!!

We have a societal belief that summer is the time to take a break and go to the beach or visit friends and family. Unity understands that only when we love ourselves can we extend genuine love to others. I’m inviting us to do both this summer.

Imagination Celebration

We are continuing to celebrate imagination all this month. This is such a life-giving power that we use every day. When we are little, our imagination works overtime. We dwell in awe and wonder as we believe that anything is possible.

The Power of Power

This is the last week on the power of power - how we choose our thoughts and words to create our lives, though in Unity we are ever considering how we create reality. I am sharing two great Charles Fillmore quotes to close this month.

Great News! A New Sign and a Loving Message

On Sunday we shared that we have passed the many hurdles to getting our new sign, and we think it is beautiful! We believe it will be shining on Buford Road in a few months. Yet, what is so very important about our church is the people. Yes, we have a lovely facility and an incredible garden and soon a great sign, but the love is the thing here that makes the difference. It is each of you that makes a difference. It is what keeps me coming back week after week.

We Appreciate You! We Behold the JOY in You!

I want to share with you something you may not know. The people who create what is happening on Sunday mornings are so fabulous. Some are paid and many are volunteers.

Annual Meeting

Please join us on May 19, 2024 at 12:00pm in the Sanctuary for our 2024 Unity of Bon Air Annual Meeting!

Take A Trip To The Arches In Your Mind

I attended Daniel Nahmod’s workshop and loved his story about a three month sabbatical near the Arches National Park in Utah. Escaping LA and having no WIFI, TV, or the normal distractions, he spent time in the beauty around him and his creativity was unleashed. He wrote over 120 songs. In the stillness, peace and quiet he connected to the Divine within.

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