Annual Meeting

Please join us on May 19, 2024 at 12:00pm in the Sanctuary for our 2024 Unity of Bon Air Annual Meeting!

Take A Trip To The Arches In Your Mind

I attended Daniel Nahmod’s workshop and loved his story about a three month sabbatical near the Arches National Park in Utah. Escaping LA and having no WIFI, TV, or the normal distractions, he spent time in the beauty around him and his creativity was unleashed. He wrote over 120 songs. In the stillness, peace and quiet he connected to the Divine within.

We Allow The Power To Flow

As we start a new month, we turn to another power – the power of power. God is not “some being” that expresses power; God is power itself. We are the divine power expressing powerfully. We do this through concentration, self-mastery, and spiritual authority.

Oodles of Gratitude and Love

I cannot begin to express the joy I felt on Sunday. Thank you to everyone who was here physically and online. A core team (Zita, Myra, Janet, Kim, and Chantal) worked to plan, order everything, design the dining, hall and sanctuary areas and serve for the big day. Rusty and William worked to have the fountain flowing and the outside sparkling.

We Welcome the Reverend Jim Rosemergy

I want everyone to know what great opportunity we have this weekend. Rev. Jim, who will be leading a Saturday workshop, (10:00am -12:00 noon) and speaking on Sunday, is someone to experience. He has served the Unity Movement for over 40 years, authored 17 books, and was a columnist for Unity Magazine for over 20 years.

What Is An Installation Service?

I have been asked recently about what will happen on April 21st. Here’s the scoop! Last June, I was officially named as the Sr. Minister at Unity of Bon Air! When a church calls a Minister to serve, there is an installation service which acknowledges and celebrates that the ordained minister and the community are forming a partnership, to serve the mission and vision of the church.

Resurrection - An Everyday Possibility

When we awaken to the miracle of love as the truth of our being, amazing things happen. We move past the physical appearance into the invisible possibilities. Tuning into love can take us from the parts of ourselves that just laid down and gave up or died, to living open-hearted and ready to get up to rock and roll with love.

Pondering Holy Week

Those who love Jesus the Christ as our way-shower celebrate the last days of his earthly life and remember how he lived, centered in the Christ consciousness. I love many scenes from this week. I love how he gave them a new ritual at Passover to remember the consciousness and life that he demonstrated every day with them.

Welcome Spring

I wanted to share Jim’s beautiful poem that we framed and gave to Joanne on Sunday, as we honored her sacred service. Our garden and those who serve there bless us all as well as people we do not know who come to be in the beauty and connect with nature. Thanks to Jim for his inspired words.

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