A Radical Act Of Love

I posted on our FB page a beautiful quote from Jon Kabat-Zinn. “It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself.” As we process our book materials, this is important - to tune into Divine Mind. The agreements being discussed have to do with belief systems, values and the truth upon which we live our lives.

Prayer -- Acceptance & Resistance

I’ve been pondering how we get stubborn when circumstances get difficult and in so doing, we set our vibration at NO, NO, NO. When we are at NO instead of YES, we cannot receive the good that seeks to flow into the moment.

Under Construction – Oh Happy Day!

We are replacing our rear screen projector in the sanctuary with a large screen TV. Twenty first century technology – how cool is that? After completion we will be able to see the slides on Sunday easily and vividly. Well, there is a catch.

Appreciation and A Great Opportunity

As we celebrate prayer for the next four weeks, I would like to express appreciation for our Chaplains and our prayer team that always hold the high watch for us. They commit to regularly praying, serving at Sunday services, and communicating with friends and members.

This Now Moment

I’m still pondering being present in this moment and how easily ego pulls us to the past and the future. So what do we do when “things” are happening and we need a plan or a little trick to get us back here now through a different door of perception.


I loved when Amy shared on Sunday that she had changed her middle name to Joy, Here’s a fun thought - Joy, Love, Peace - these are our true names because they are the truth of who we are whether we officially change them on paper or not.

Faith Highlighted

Faith Is My Chauffeur

This week, Reverend Patty would like to share with you a prayer by Barbie Nunnally.

Stick Men

Who are WE?

On Sunday, August 27th, at 11:30 A.M., we are having our first 30 minute monthly meeting for anyone new, or any long time members/friends to discuss “What does Unity teach and believe?” This is not related to the new member class and everyone is welcome. It is simply an opportunity for people to get an overview and ask questions. We are blessed to have new people almost every week and we are grateful.

The Power of Love

During our Sunday concert one of the lines from Elaine Silver’s song “Fab Four” struck me. She was thanking the Beatles, and this was in the chorus -“You touched the world with love and so much more, you changed the world with love and so much more.”

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